Now, to my fellow pastors.Let us try to be as accurate and truthful to our congregations as much as we possibly can.The preaching on giving a monthly 10% tithe poses a major threat to our credibility as teachers even at the most basic level.

The Old Covenant law which was only given to Old Covenant Israel never applied to Gentiles or Christians (Rom 1:18-20; 2:14-16,common sense).

If we preach the tithe,we must go all the way and teach all the other 613 commandments and enforce them as urgent and as frequently as we do the tithe.For obvious reasons which I won't list here for lack of time and space,we don't do that.(James 2 10,Galatians 5 3)

"But didn't Abraham tithe before the law?then that makes it an eternal principle." Am sure you have heard of this argument.Well,it's debunked by two things.Circumcision was also practised before the law.That doesn't make it an eternal christian principle does it?Paul in fact warns the Galatians against "those of the circumcision."
Also Abraham tithed once.Not monthly.Neither did he tithe his own possessions.
So let us not sneak in non christian principles for the sake of our pockets.

Giving in the New covenant should be from the heart ,be it 2%  45%,nothing,whatever the christian feels like giving,let them.(2corinthians 9 7)We should not pressure them with threats of financial ruin or bait them with promises of greater financial harvest.(usually done by taking Malachi 3 out of context).

This is good for the bride of Christ in general and we as leaders should trust that God will sustain His ministry.

Of course nothing  is as awkward as correcting a teaching that we have preached for years on end.So what about we start slow.Let us not preach tithing for a whole year.

Link to a hilarious but serious video on tithing.