I WANT TO LOVE GOD MORE(IF AT ALL)...BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW...Well you have come to the right place.
Friends,this is the christian walk in a nutshell.So pay attention :P
Many of us know that loving God is the greatest of the commandments and is the ultimate goal for many.But how do we do that??Well It is not by fasting,tithing,praying longer hours,going into ministry,confessing ours sins daily or any other religious stuff you may have heard.
The Only way to love God as per the bible is found in 1 John 4 19"We love (God and others) because He first loves us.It is not your love for God but His love for you.What makes you think you can give anything to God if not what you have received??Do not be prideful.Accept His love for you,live in the knowledge of His love for you and you will in time almost unconsciously fall in love with Him and thus falling out of love with sinful actions and habits.
Friend,today focus on your eternal righteousness in Christ.Righteousness that remains even when you sin,believe in the truth that proclaims all your sins are forgiven(past present and future) and because the Father forsook/cut Himself off with Christ on the cross,you are forever accepted,blessed and deeply loved as a child of the most High God.