We understand your fears when you say"Heaven is going to be such an empty place,I hope to get in."But let's just use the bible for once Ok.(though we encourage that it should be used all the time)

Revelation 7 9"After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their hands."

It looks like the numbers in heaven are too great too count.Countless,you could say.But no where in the bible does it say that there was a countless crowd in hell"Oh but what about the wide and narrow gate"Any Sober bible student can tell contextually that portion is not a heaven and hell verse.

But doesn't revelation 20 15 state that"those whose names were not in the book of life were thrown into the lake of fire."True,we never said that everyone is going to be in heaven,

What we are calling to your attention is the style God's heart is revealed on this matter.No where do you see that many go to hell but we see "countless number of people from every tribe,nation,people and language" in heaven.Try wrap your mind on just how many cultures,languages,nations and tribes exist.You will find that it is very consistent with God's will that "none should perish but all be saved." 2 peter 3 9,1 tim 2 4